Ihr interessiert euch für das Sail Training und würdet gern mehr darüber lernen? Bei der Konferenz der Sail Training International (STI)-Organisation in Québec (Kanada) am 29. und 30. Januar 2016 könnt ihr an Workshops teilnehmen, Kontakte zu Trainees, Crewmitgliedern und Schiffsbetreibern aus der ganzen Welt knüpfen und viel dazulernen. Ganz wichtig: Jeder, der sich für Sail Training interessiert, darf teilnehmen – ob nur einmal als Trainee mitgesegelt, oder schon jahrelang als aktive Deckshand, Maschinist,  Koch oder in einer anderen Position an Bord tätig! Die STI stellt dafür auf Antrag eine Förderung von 300 £ bereit. (Zusätzlich könnt ihr bei der S.T.A.G. eine Sonderförderung beantragen, über die aber unabhängig von der STI entschieden wird.) Hier die Infos zur STI-Förderung:


As a valued member of the sail training community we very much hope that you are considering attending the conference in Quebec next January. The conference delegate rates have been held at last year’s level, flights to Quebec from Europe are currently available at competitive prices and the conference hotel offers five-star accommodation with an early bird room rate equivalent to around £100 per night. There is also a wide range of alternative budget accommodation available close by.

To further assist with the travel costs associated with attendance at the conference in Quebec, Sail Training International is providing a limited number of travel bursaries for sail trainers based outside of North America.

Up to 66 bursaries will be awarded. There will be a maximum of one bursary per organisation and up to a maximum of 10 bursaries will be awarded to delegates from any one country. The bursary payment is £300 and will be paid directly to the delegate, immediately after attending the conference.

Applications for bursaries should be made direct to Sail Training International and must be accompanied by a statement of support from yourNational Sail Training Organisation. Applications should be sent by email to

The closing date for applications is 30st November 2015.

Contact details for your National Sail Training Organisation can be found via the web-links here:

If you reside in a country which does not have a National Sail Training Organisation this should be made clear in your application.

In assessing applications for Travel Bursaries the following factors will be taken into consideration.

  • Merits of the individual case
  • Date of application
  • Regular participation of the represented organisation in sail training activities for young people
  • Willingness to participate in one of the conference sessions if required

Your application should include the following information:

  • Name
  • Address
  • Email address
  • Contact Telephone number
  • Date of birth
  • Sail training organisation represented
  • Nationality
  • Reasons why you believe you should be awarded a bursary

Applications for the travel bursary can be made by sail trainers who have already registered for the conference.

All applicants will be contacted after the closing date and informed of the status of their application.

Any queries related to the bursary application process should be sent to